Inside windRise

windRise Innenansicht

windRise Internal Layout. 14.5 kB


windRise Is Year 2000 Compliant

MAYWIND has scanned it's "windRise" logger hardware as well as it's PC software for the widely discussed problems which might be brought up by the change of the millenium. Only a minor change in the PC utility program for initial setting / reading of the "windRise" internal system clock had to be taken. Though internally working correctly, the old version would display the year to be "19xx" instead of "20xx".

File wr_y2k.exe installs a new version with correct display of centuries. Please download it by clicking on the link, copy it to your windRise system directory and start self-extraction by typing "wr_y2K" on a command prompt. Answer questions, if old program parts may be overwritten, by "Yes".

The "windRise" time series data logger's internal system clock will handle 2000 as a leap year, which is correct. All date/time data in a user's logging schedule control programs will also be handled quite correctly inside the logger.

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